Saturday 21 April 2012

Candidates Views; Nick Noble, SLD - THC Ward Two


I just received the email via the Scottish LibDem HQ asking for Highland Council candidates to get in touch regarding their views on planning transparency.

What form would you like those comments to take? email, or direct on your website?

I have just signed up as a member, and fully support any efforts to increase participation by anyone that has an interest in the planning process, I would be delighted to make a fuller statement in any form you  wish to receive it.

Nick Noble
Scottish LibDem candidate for Thurso

[ I responded to Mr Noble as follows:

Thank you so much for your email.

Please feel free to choose how you would like to comment and indeed how often.

I intend to post on the blog regarding a range of issues in the next fortnight hopefully increasing the scope of direct comment. 

I have also started receiving statements of varying length directly from candidates and I will then use these statements as posts in themselves - where they are quite long – or as a starting point to introduce a subject for discussion if they are shorter.

Hope this helps and is clear enough and thanks for following the blog.]

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