8 The term ‘consultation’ is used to mean the dynamic process of dialogue between individuals or groups, based on a genuine exchange of views and, normally, with the objective of influencing decisions, policies or programmes of action. The terms ‘engagement’ and ‘involvement’ are generally interchangeable and are taken to mean the establishment of effective relationships with individuals or groups. Participation is everything that enables people to influence the decisions and get involved in the actions that affect their lives. In the context of this document engagement is, in effect, giving people a genuine opportunity to have a say on a development plan or proposal which affects them; listening to what they say and reaching a decision in an open and transparent way taking account of all views expressed.
89 Planning authorities have a role in providing training for their Community Councils, other community groups and individuals to improve understanding of and participation in the planning system. In addition, the Scottish Government provides core funding to Planning Aid for Scotland, an independent voluntary organisation, which provides training and advice on planning matters to individuals and groups across Scotland.

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