Wednesday, 8 December 2010

No more funding for Planning Aid England

Extract from Planning Daily:

The RTPI has confirmed that the government will not renew funding for Planning Aid after 31st March 2011.

In a statement the RTPI said it had held discussions with DCLG and during the meeting "officials said the government would be making available money for ‘neighbourhood planning’ for parties to bid for and that it was hoped that Planning Aid England would want to be part of this new approach."

Scotland and Wales have their own Planning Aid organisations and as far as I am aware it is business as usual with them. PA Scotland and PA Wales receive assistance from their respective Governments.

Given what APTSec perceives to be the close ties between the Scottish Government's commitment to public involvement in the new planning system and Planning Aid Scotland's role in upskilling the public to facilitate that involvement I cannot envisage PAS not continuing to receive support.

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