"If ordinary people can't criticise political decisions - regardless of how that's said or done - taken by people who aren't even elected, without fear of being threatened, arrested and dragged through the courts, then what do we have?"
"I'm no longer sure I have any sort of legal or constitutional protection to do this. I'm not sure I want to tread on eggshells, crossing my fingers and hoping that political criticism won't be construed at some point in the future as libel."
I have been sitting at the computer for a little while now, my mind in somewhat of a turmoil, trying to find the words; but I think it is best if I let you read for yourselves as the Welsh bloggers express themselves far more eloquently than I ever could.
'oggybloggyogwr' ("Blogs like mine are for hardcore anoraks and supporters of independence") summarises the events concerning blogger Jacqui Thompson ( Carmarthenshire Planning blog ) and then he goes on to present his views on blogging/the blogosphere - touching on what he feels you should and should not do as a blogger. 'oggybloggyogwr' expresses his disillusionment with the political system and what he feels about his continued future in blogging.
Jacqui gives a brief statement here and I will not attempt to dilute the impact of her words by summarising.
For me, this is terrifying, but I cannot see that I have any alternative but to continue to raise issues. I will let you all have some time for this to sink in and will explore issues that resonate in a little more detail in some later posts.