Saturday, 2 July 2011

A School at Delnies; now you see it, now you don't; now you see it...

Listed among the benefits which could be forthcoming from a new development at Delnies is the setting aside of land for a new primary school and the recommendation before the committee is that Planning Permission be granted subject a section 75 agreement - this agreement to include, 'The reservation of a site for a Primary School'.

Now, the preliminary concept masterplan (original layout June 2008) clearly shows an area 'Safeguarded' for a new primary school.

The preliminary concept masterplan (current layout Aug 2009) also shows an area (different arrangement perhaps) 'Safeguarded' for a new primary school.

Since then, with respect to the applicant's submission to the Highland-wide Local Development Plan - Proposed Plan consultation; whilst there is a recognition that the current concept masterplan - which forms part of their current extant planning application - includes an area of land for a future primary school, clarification of the word 'safeguarded' is provided in terms of the fact that this land was included in anticipation and support of the wider allocation of 2100 houses as per the A96 Corridor Framework. The applicants further clarify that if further land / house numbers were to be allocated to Delnies for the period 2021-2031 then there would be no objection to an area of land being reserved for a primary school.

However keen eyed observers may have noted the following statement in the appendix to the case officers report

Appendix 1 – Highland Wide Local Development Plan: Schedule 4 Submission

Original representations from White Young Green for Cawdor Maintenance Trust (325) and the Cawdor Farming No.1 Partnership (433) contained objection to the reservation of land for a Primary School, these have subsequently been withdrawn in letter dated 5 April 2011 (325) and by email of 27 April 2011 (433).

According to the council response in the Schedule 4 submission, the council appears to be maintaining its position with respect to the longer term allocation of housing:

With regard to longer term expansion of Delnies to the West, it is acknowledged that Delnies may have potential longer term but in light of the current need and demands assessment for the next 20 years, wider infrastructure requirements and community concerns over development to the west at mains issues stage, the council is minded not to change its position. It should be noted that the A96 Corridor Framework remains in place as non-statutory supplementary guidance, and later phases of development will be viewed in this context.

So a change of heart or circumstance perhaps on the part of the applicant perhaps?

East is East and West is...?

This proposal for outline planning permission now planning permission in principle)
is for a major scale mixed use development on some 638 ha. of land to the east of
Nairn at Delnies.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Will Delnies 'Reserve' Land move be promoted?

So 08/00080/OUTNA will be considered by the INBS PAC on 5th July. Officers are recommending the Grant of planning permission for this major development covering some 638no Ha west of Nairn at Delnies. However, the 300 residential units; Tourism and Heritage Centre; Hotel, Spa and Conference facilities; Golf Course, Equestrian Centre etc. may not be the total amount of development on the site in the period to 2031 and possibly beyond.

Some of this land is also allocated for 2,100 houses in the A96 framework (and by the by the boundary for the application does exceed that which is shown for the Delnies area on the A96 Framework.)

As I read it, Delnies is given a 300no house allocation during the period 2011-2020 in the HwLDP but nothing from 2021-2031 and in their representation to the HwLDP the landowners are requesting that if no allocation is given to Delnies in the medium and longer terms then the wider landholding (shown as green hatched areas north and south of the A96 on the submission here) should be given the status of 'Strategic Reserve Land'. This would be reserved for development to come forward in the event of Nairn South / Tornagrain / Whiteness failing to deliver the appropriate level of housing to meet the Plan's requirements and the longer term growth strategy of the A96 Corridor.

I must admit to being confused but won't go on any more with detail about HNDA and Nairn's allocation in the A96 Corridor - over the 30 years of the A96 Framework - and numbers for Nairn in the HwLDP.

So given my thoughts in previous posts about the change of emphasis on proposed development in the A96 Corridor it will be interesting to see if this area of land makes it into the reserves and from there, well who knows?

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Read all about it HwLDP; 'Reporters Monthly Update for June 2011'

The latest from the HwLDP examination web pages:

Reporters Monthly Update for June 2011

"Following the receipt of the plan the initial administrative procedures have now been concluded. These included checking all the documentation is present and complies with the necessary legislative requirements. Part of this is an examination of the council's statement on its legal responsibilities regarding the consultation procedures followed during the preparation of the plan. After some clarification, this was all found to be in order.

The plan has now been passed formally to the reporters for the examination properly and an initial division made of the issues each will consider. A work programme has been prepared with the aim of delivering their report to the council by the end of November. Their next step is a thorough study of the plan to ensure they have a clear understanding of it, before looking at each issue in detail. The following stage will be an examination of the issues to assess whether they have enough information on each one, and if not the procedures that will be followed to acquire this. Options include further written submissions, or a hearing or inquiry session. Relevant objectors will be informed individually if they are required to take part in any further procedure."

Development Plan Assistant
The Scottish Government Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Campus seems to be main focus of City Vision

A Report to the Inverness City Committee gave over the better part of 2 of it 6 pages of text to an update of the progress of the Inverness Campus.

According to the Report proposals include:

Inverness College UHI, providing some 20,000 sq.m. of high
quality accommodation for FE, HE, research and enterprise
activity. Due to open summer 2014.

• Scottish Agricultural College (SAC), extends to 2,000 sq.m.
North of Scotland HQ for Training, Research, Consultancy
including a centre for epidemiological research. Opens in 2014.

• The Training Hotel, (partnership between Albyn Housing
Association and the Calman Trust) extending to 6000 sq.m. a
fully operational 120 bed commercial hotel offering additional
short-stay accommodation. Run as a social enterprise offering
employment and training opportunities for the disadvantaged.
Opens in 2014

• Centre for Health Science, Phase IV, project now under
development which may include: multi-disciplinary healthcare
practice; primary care, rural health & digital health research
activity; and business incubator. Planned opening 2015.

• Regional Sports Facility, offering enhanced facilities for
students and local community but also promoting excellence and
supporting elite athletes. Academic links with wellbeing and
sports medicine. Planned opening 2015.

• Student/short-term accommodation. Planned 1st Phase
opening 2014.

More here