Saturday 2 October 2010

Public confidence in the development plan process as elections approach

Remember this?

15 AUGUST 2007

'This paper seeks Committee approval for the current programme of Development Plan work, in line with priorities set out in the Programme for Administration.

The programme for Administration sets out as clear priorities the preparation of a Highland Development Plan and three Local Development Plans.

The Highland wide Development Plan will deliver a consistent and strategic approach to development management across the area. In addition, it will set the statutory context for the delivery of the A96 Corridor, help to build public confidence in the development plan process and ensure that community and development interest retain their faith in a plan-led system and provide a landuse context to ongoing Community Planning work. The delivery of this Development Plan will tie in well with the ongoing preparation of the second National Planning Framework by the Scottish Executive.

Highland Council chose to determine a major Planning Application at East Inverness in advance of the consultation on and examination and adoption of the Proposed Highland-wide Local Development Plan where the tables of conformity prepared for the planning application stated:

"...the application as presently drafted does not accord with the approved development plan. It is a definite departure"

"...The use mix proposed in the current application differs from that supported within this (A96 Corridor) supplementary guidance"

Members of the PEDC had been asked to agree in August via the Recommendation in part iii of ped-59-10 that:

“…proposals in the A96 corridor which have a measure of adopted Local Plan support (in full or in part) may be determined in advance of the Local Development Plan Examination in line with updated guidance in the Proposed Plan;

The report to the full council noted:

'The proposals are contrary to the adopted Inverness Local Plan. However, the HwLDP Proposed Plan, approved by PED on 11 August 2010, now forms the most important material consideration regarding policy and the development framework for this site. Any permission must therefore accord with the HwLDP policy and framework with regard to phasing and infrastructure provision.
' Click here

In my view consideration of the planning application has pre-empted the full planning process.
Parties will have had no opportunity to challenge, through the Development Plan process, the basis on which land is being allocated prior to consideration of this planning application
The development for this area will be shaped by a consent given in advance of the completion of the development plan process.

The period for this Council administration is fast coming to an end. How many more applications will we see determined ahead of the Highland-wide Local Development Plan being fully consulted on, examined and adopted? How much faith will we have in a so called plan led system?


Letter in the Inverness Courier from the Chair of Westhill CC here

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