Wednesday 29 September 2010

"Getting the best from our land": Consultation

"Consultation on Scotland’s first Land Use Strategy, and your views are vital to its success."

More than 80 per cent of Scotland’s people live in urban areas, yet only 6 per cent of our land

is urban; this leads to a high monetary value being placed on urban land.1 Despite the fact
that relatively few of us live in rural areas or earn our income directly from the land, we all
depend on the goods and services which the land provides. Wherever we live, we have an
interest in what happens to the land.

The characteristics of the land vary greatly around the country, with variations in soil type,
slope, altitude, accessibility, climate and more – this influences what can be done with the
land and has important implications for land use. In agriculture, for example, these variations
result in our having only relatively small areas of prime agricultural land (mostly in the East)
and a very large proportion of our land which is significantly constrained in the way it can be

Responding to this consultation

The Scottish Government is consulting on this draft Land Use Strategy and is inviting early
written (by post or email) responses by 30 November 2010. Responses will be accepted until
17 December 2010, when the consultation closes, but cannot be accepted after this date.

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