Sunday, 30 August 2009

Oh where oh where has the airport gone?

The Main Issues Report for the Highland-wide Local Development Plan is very 'light' on any references to Air Transport or Airports. APTSec finds this odd and will no doubt comment on this in response to the MIR consultation.

Nowhere, in the MIR as far as I can see, is there any reference to the Airport Business Park near Inverness Airport in the A96 Corridor, particularly in relation to the development of the new town proposed near the Hamlet of Tornagrain. Why do I find this odd? Because of the following statements previously made by Council Officers in relation to the A96 Corridor plans which now form a large section of the MIR and potentially a proposed HwLDP:

"Public response with regard to the proposals for Tornagrain had been heavy and critical, with concerns focussing (sic) on whether a settlement for 10,000 people was required; the suitability of the site in view of the probable noise from the airport business park; the effect on Norbord; and the effect on badgers. However, the Head of Development and Strategy pointed out that significant infrastructure investment was required in the centre of the corridor for the airport business park development and Tornagrain would ensure both that the infrastructure was provided and that it was located where local people and businesses wished, rather than this being determined by the Scottish Executive."

"...if the Tornagrain element of the Strategy were delayed or suspended, this would weaken the package and jeopardise the provision of infrastructure, particularly for the airport business park"

[From the Minutes of Meeting of the Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday, 14 March 2007, at 10.30 a.m. agenda item 7. This was the meeting that agreed that that, "the revised Masterplan be fed into preparation of the strategic Highland Local Development Plan" ] [Note: it is unlikely that the Scottish Executive would have determined where things were located - it would have been a local decision as will become clear in later posts]

From the appendix to the Report related to agenda item 7:

When the public comment stated that, the "Economic base for additional 30,000 population is not clear", the Planning Department responded;

"On a more immediate level, there is real commitment to progress the delivery of a new campus for Inverness College and UHI which will be a cornerstone of economic development in the area. Similarly, the opportunities offered by the expansion of Inverness airport as set out in their recent Masterplan, along with the delivery of the Inverness Airport Business Park will be critical for the delivery of the strategy."

In the same Report, when the public comment was summarised as, "Opposition to the new town at Tornagrain on the basis that the requirement for a new town has not been established and its overall impact on the area." the Planning Department response was:

"The strategy as it currently stands supports the principle of development within four main development areas – Inverness East, Whiteness Head, Nairn South and Tornagrain. Along with limited expansion of the main villages in the corridor, these places all provide a range of choice and diversity to the housing to be delivered. It is considered that Tornagrain remains a key element given the central location, and links to the expanding airport and business park."

In the same report, when the public comment was, "No employment for the people living there" the Planning Department response was:

"The opportunities offered by the expansion of Inverness airport as set out in their recent Masterplan, along with the delivery of the Inverness Airport Business Park will be critical for the delivery of the strategy. The linkages in the Tornagrain area to the economic development around the airport are obvious and have been built into the initial masterplanning work undertaken by Moray Estates. There will of course be employment across the Corridor, and by ensuring that adequate transport infrastructure in place, The Council is seeking to ensure that the linkages, both east and west are enabled as effectively as possible."

Why is something so critical to the economic strategy and the provision of jobs seemingly not even worthy of a passing reference?

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