Thursday 2 July 2009

Why don't we know what a Main Issues Report is?

APTSec is still trying, in the absence of an 'easy guide to planning' which covers the new planning system, to explain and understand just what is going on.

I have come across something on the S Government web pages, "Consultation on the Modernisation of the Planning System with 'Seldom Heard' Groups" which contains a little bit on what this Main Issues Report MIR - really the first document we'll see as part of this new Highland wide Plan - is supposed to be.

Sitting in 'Annex B - Scottish Government basis for questions (in this consultation)', it says,

"With a view to facilitating and informing their work in preparing a LDP, Section 17 of the Act requires planning authorities to first compile a main issues report ( MIR). This is not intended to be a draft plan, but should focus on the key issues that are changing from the last plan.

The MIR must set out the authority's general proposals for development in the area and in particular proposals as to where development should and should not occur. The proposals must be explained sufficiently clearly and precisely to enable people to understand what is proposed and to make meaningful comments."


"The publication of the MIR is intended to be the principal opportunity within the plan preparation process for productively consulting stakeholders on the content of the plan and for involving the wider public. It is therefore essential that engagement with the public at this stage is as full and open as it can be."

I'll keep looking and asking for more guidance.

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