Friday 9 November 2012

At last some 'Customer Feedback' - Planning Performance Framework

Click here for the Full details

"For the first time the planning system has a balanced scorecard approach to performance which will enable each local planning authority to demonstrate its achievements, successes, individuality  and personality. Speed of decision making still features as an important factor but it will be  set within a wider supporting context of quality, workloads, resources, organisation and outcomes achieved on the ground.  The Improvement plan for 2012/13 is an important element of the Framework and efforts are now being made to ensure the Service delivers on the actions contained within it."

"All Planning Authorities  in Scotland were asked to submit a Planning Performance Framework based on 2011/12 and including an Improvement Plan for the current year (2012/13).  This was submitted at the end of October 2012, although Committee are now being asked to agree the Improvement Plan set out within the document.  Any changes requested by Committee can be provided to Scottish Government as an update."

And what of the 'customer'?  Tucked away in the 'Supporting Evidence' section at end we have:

Customer Feedback

'Customer feedback has been received over the course of the last year across the range of
planning services, using a survey monkey link at the bottom of e-mails. There were 101
comments made through the online link over the course of the last year. More than 75% of
respondents rated the service they received from us as Good or Excellent...

16 % of respondents rated the service they received as Poor or Unacceptable. The main
reasons behind this were delays/length of planning process and a lack of consistency during
the planning process but other reasons given included a lack of communication/explanation,
that planners favour developers over the public, unhelpful staff, difficulties contacting the
planning department and issues with ePlanning/the Council website. The survey has
identified a number of potential improvements that can be addressed over the course of this


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