Friday 11 March 2011

Sandown development brief gets a mention in new Development Plan Scheme

Extracts (from the PED Committee Report; full Report can be found here)

The Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006 introduced a requirement for each planning authority to prepare a Development Plan Scheme, at least annually, to set out their programme for preparing and reviewing their Local Development Plans and what is likely to be involved at each stage. One of the main purposes of doing so is to give certainty to the community and developers when each stage of the development planning process is reached.

4. Sandown Development Brief

4.1 The Sandown site in Nairn remains a very important development opportunity for housing and other mixed uses and has been identified as having this potential for a number of years. At the Highland Council meeting on 16th December 2010 a commitment was made to prepare a new development brief, following the refusal of planning permission, subsequent dismissal of the appeal and resiling of the missives with Deveron Homes.

4.2The updated Local Development Plan context as set out in the Highland wide Local Development Plan – Proposed Plan states that “the Council will support development at Sandown in the short term subject to a suitable developer masterplan which addresses issues including: housing density; phasing, and; an access solution that provides unfettered links to the Delnies development area to the west and shared arrangements wherever possible”.

4.3It is proposed to adopt a proactive approach to community and stakeholder engagement in the preparation of the new development brief. An open workshop will be held in June 2011 to begin the process so that a fresh assessment of the issues and development potential of the site is undertaken. This workshop will investigate the key characteristics of the site, the planning history, the opportunity for the community wetland park and the relationship with the surrounding proposals at Delnies and seek agreement on the fundamental objectives of the design work.

4.4 Work on the development brief will progress over the course of Summer 2011, with regular reports being given to the local members and community groups through the Ward Forum meetings. A draft brief will be prepared for a PED Committee meeting later in the autumn. This will then be followed by further public and stakeholder consultation with adoption of the development brief as Supplementary Guidance taking place before the end of 2011.

4.5 It is intended that the Development Brief will be integrated into the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan.

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