Friday 17 December 2010

Questions and Answers: Part 2


If an LDP has 'emerged' as far as publication of the PP - but this PP still awaits consultation and examination - can the thought be entertained that once the PP is published then that is it and the rest of the development plan process is just a 'formality' with the likelihood of any significant alteration being made to the PP as a result of a representation being a remote possibility?


"...there is still a long way to go in terms of finalising the Proposed Plan once it is published for consultation, particularly if representations and objections to the Proposed Plan can't be resolved. Generally, the Reporters recommendations are binding, so they will have to be incorporated into the plan. During this consultation and examination stage, it is therefore still possible for stakeholders to get objectionable policies (open space designated for housing, proposed route of a new road etc) removed from the Proposed Plan if the Reporter feels that they are not appropriate."

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