Friday 2 July 2010

The Character of Croy

Just thought you might enjoy pretty pictures

Mains of Croy

The Old Manse on Wapedia

Croy village hall

Croy Primary won a competition and had an extract from their
enterprise project "A History of Croy" published in a book called A Sense of Place. The first primary was I understand built in 1872?

Does anyone have any pictures or views of the old village they can send me?

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful buildings, views and open spaces! It is a shame that I hear that a developer wants to concrete over those open spaces. This will lead to an unsympathetic development and a disproportionate increase to the size of the village. This would change the whole "character of Croy" irrevocably (and not for the better)! Surely something must be done to safeguard our rural communities against such rapacious profiteering of this nature?
