Friday, 19 February 2010

Do you want to have your say on planning matters?

Would you welcome the chance to stand up and tell the world exactly what you think about planning in the Highlands of Scotland?

If APT hired a hall and set up a microphone would you come along and speak out in a 5 minute slot?

Would you come along and listen to what others had to say?

Would you like to hear from your councillors, politicians or even the Director of Planning for Highland?

How about hearing from local architects or other planning professionals working in the area?

What about the landowners perspective?

What is it that you feel needs to be done?

Post now or contact APTSec through the e mail address.

1 comment:

  1. highly supportive. would very much like to understand for example the reasons planners have for accepting or rejecting a complaint about a planning application. feels like talking into a hole.
    would also like to understand the desire by some councillors to build on green agricultural land.
    would also like to understand how planning can become much more joined up beteen transport infrastructure/traffic management,communications, utilities,environmental issues,costs that will fall on council tax payers,building design, employment, tourism etc. to use the jargon we need a much more holistic approach.
    nb have posted this anonymously as i dont want to be punished by council proponents of the Inverness Megalopilis
