Saturday, 21 November 2009

Apologies for delay in posting

Good afternoon

I am currently fighting against time and lack of brain power as I try to complete the draft APT response to the Main Issues Report. The last week has been busy with a lot of research and some interesting meetings and phone calls - all planning related.

The Dev Plans Team feels that they are complying with the National Standards for Public Engagement. They have fulfilled some requirements but there was a lot more that could and should have been done in my view.

I would be interested in your views in this regard. If you could spare the time to help out please look at the checklist here

Many Thanks



  1. Public consultation is crucial. But beware... the more time and effort is spent considering procedures, and the tick-boxes beloved of bureaucrats, the less attention is devoted to the substance.

    What really matters with the Main Issues report is what it says: whether it includes all the main planning issues and covers them adequately and satisfactorily.

    It's really not important whether the consultation period could have been a fortnight longer, or whether the document could have been circulated more widely, or whether the sub-headings in Gaelic were in the right size and typeface!

  2. Thank you Nairnbairn

    The APT response will mainly focus on whether the whole exercise actually helped and facilitated with respect to looking at the substance.

    It was our view that we should support and encourage as many people as possbile to carefully consider what the proposals would mean for Highland.

  3. As opposed to all the local concerns and comment we here in the Nairn blogosphere seem to be aware of, there seems to have been precious little coming out of Inverness. Do you think Invernessians are interested at all in the plan?

  4. If all the public in Highland were aware of the consultation, there would be no need for an organisation like APT. Sadly a great deal of Highland Inhabitants were UNAWARE of the consultation. Perhaps if Highland had sent a leaflet to each household in Highland, and then people chose not to respond, we could say that all had been informed fair and square. However, when a group like the travelling people have had workshops etc specificaly for their needs, and others in Highland have 'slipped through the net' simply because they have no access to the internet, have missed an announcement in the paper or just live in the wrong place it just does not seem that this important consultation is fairly promoted.

  5. Graisg

    From the e mail feedback, then yes Invernessians are interested in the plan; perhaps they prefer that form of communication to blogging at the moment? Perhaps a special APT get together on e planning / blogging etc? We'd have to assemble PC's etc?


    Yes, there really shouldn't be any need for APT, but there is every need for us all to get involved in the decision making processes that will affect our lives for years to come. We all have such differing views on the issues; but one thing is for certain, we all need a fair and just system through which to evaluate all the views and points put forward.

    I am pleased that the travellers have had an opportunity to get involved but am saddened that not enough time has been taken over the years to help people to get to know the planning system enough in preparation for the big consultations.

    I realise from experience that it is very difficult to get people involved; for example, it is not always possible if people are carering for very sick relatives or working away from home for long periods or working in a demanding job - there are so many reasons why people could find it difficult.

  6. Graisg raises an interesting question:

    "...there seems to have been precious little coming out of Inverness. Do you think Invernessians are interested at all in the plan?"

    We might get the answer when the Highland Council publishes online, as it promised, all the consultation responses.

    But if there is lttle reaction from Invernessians, could this be because they feel they don't need to comment or can find nothing to criticise? They may believe confidently that the Council planners will "see them right". After all, not for nothing has the Council been described as 'Inverness-centric'.

  7. From the Feedback that APTSec receives I get the feeling that our contacts in the South, West and East of Inverness are just as concerned about the issues. Please see today's post
